Organizational Culture Change
Nafs uses a validated research method to assess an organization's current and preferred organizational culture as well as its desire to change to create a tangible plan and step-by-step roadmap of culture change
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Risk & Opportunity Management
Creating Risks Processes allows organizations to set up procedures to avoid the risk, and minimize their impact. Opportunity management helps leaders and teams strategically think about possible opportunities and plan for them.
Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Nafs examines the current entrepreneurial capacity of the organization through assessment and interviews to determine a plan to increase innovation, adaption, and capacity for change on both team and organizational levels.

Carly Sandstrom
Director, Sales Operations at ID.me
Sophie sees in both systems and people. She is deeply educated on different theories of leadership and has been invaluable in helping me bring transformational leadership to my life both professionally and personally. If you are looking for a coach who will go the extra mile and help you overcome personal blockers to reach your potential, I highly recommend Sophie.